Resistance in Residence is an exhibition about community-led struggles for safe, affordable housing in Scotland curated by MScR students of Collections and Curating Practices at the University of Edinburgh in partnership with the University’s Art Collection and the Travelling Gallery. The exhibition features contemporary artworks, archival materials and audience responses by artists Winnie Herbstein, Joey Simons, Keira McLean, and Lucas Priest that explore past, present and future community efforts for fair housing conditions.
Travelling Gallery is a contemporary art gallery in a bus. Since 1978 it’s been bringing exhibitions to communities throughout Scotland. For Resistance in Residence the bus travelled from one side of the central belt to the other and went that extra mile (or 85 due to high winds closing the forth bridges to the TG Bus) to the East Sands Leisure Centre in S’t Andrew’s!
'TGBus Mini Tour with @edinburghuniversity 2023 After this tour launched at the University of Edinburgh (with over 200 visitors that first day) we sat outside the old fire station at @edinburghcollegeofart and again we had over 200 visitors. The highlight for me was discovering that the cafe at ECA has vegan croissants! 😮What a rare treat for a long time (beret wearing) vegan like me. “Nom! Nom!” 😍 The next venue was @whale__arts in Wester Hailes where we didn’t have many visitors but the few we had stayed longer, particularly the pre-teen bairns. We even tempted a visitor from the housing association office across the road to come in and see this show which is, coincidentally, about community led action for better housing. Synchronicity or what? 😄 Monday we headed for Muirhouse Library (@edinburghcollege whilst a new library is being built) which was quiet except for the Nursery who were full of questions and confidently asserted their opinions. A refreshing contrast to teenagers who visit us and shy away from expressing themselves. 😬' - Andy, Driver of the Travelling Gallery Bus
Emoji Review: 🚌🏘️🎨

PBSA (Purpose Built Student Accommodation) A SoPC x CRC Walk (Facilitators notes), Riso print on A4 recycled paper, MDF Clipboard. . ‘Resistance in Residence’ at Travelling Gallery 2023.
Photography by Cultural Heritage Digitisation Service, University of Edinburgh.