Commissioned by the University of Edinburgh Literature Society as part of the programming for their Eco-festival the SoPC put together a walk between several neglected corners, stagnant development plots and disused rail lines, participants armed with handmade seed bombs (made of hand dug clay, UK wildflower seeds and compost) 'assaulted' each site. The act of seed bombing was a doorway into talking about Richard Reynolds book On Guerrilla Gardening: A Handbook for Gardening without Boundaries, we discussed community ownership of land, gardening as a radical act of urban care and how we could re-design city's based around the needs of a diverse ecosystem. 
Emoji Review: 🌻🌸🌹🌺       
GUERRILLA (PSYCHO) GEOGRAPHY, Participation, Edinburgh, March 2022.
Group Photo Score: Everyone on the back row has just had the best walking art experience of their lives, everyone in the front row feels like they just waisted the last few hours being dragged around. 
Thanks to Rosy for joining us! Best psychogeographer on the team 🐕