Score – go on a colour walk;

We will take it in turns to lead the group each following our given colour. – Lucas will shout a colour and then this person becomes the leader. E.g. someone walks by in red shoes, we follow them, a red car turns left, we go left. Lucas shouts β€˜any orange’, a man with an orange bag walks down a side ally, we follow, we spot an orange road sign in the distance so we walk towards it, Lucas shouts β€˜Pink!’ and so on it goes….

Participants are then given the following instructions;

Look closely and without distraction, follow your given colour and let it take you.
You are welcome to document what you find, take photos!
Follow the unknown!
Emoji Review: πŸ’™πŸ’šβ€πŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ€ŽπŸ–€Β  Β 
Colour Walk, Participation, Edinburgh, NovΒ 2021